1. tela ngai tsu bii yesterday i-ERG this say-PST I said it yesterday. Note: *nga, *tsula __ (i) necessary ,(la) impossible. 2. tela ngii/ngibakhalei tsu bii yesterday we-ERG this say-PST We said it yesterday. __(i) necessary,(la) impossible. 3. kjoi tela tsu bii you(sg)-ERG yesterday this say-PST You said it yesterday __ (i) necessary.,(la) impossible. 4. kei tela tsu bii you(pl)-ERG yesterday this say-PST You said it yesterday. __(i) necessary. *la 5. tela thei tsu bii yesterday s/he(sg)-ERG this say-PST S/he said it yesterday. __ (i) necessary, *la 6. tela thei tsu bii yesterday s/he(pl)-ERG this say-psy , They said it yesterday. __ 3-6 above sentencses (i) is necessary, (ni) impossibe 7. nagai nga(i) tsu bimu. tmomorrow i-ERG this say-FUT I will say it tomorrow. * tsula __ (i) optional, (la) impossible. 8. nagai ngi(i) tsu bimu tomorrow we-ERG this say-FUT We will say it tomorrow. __ (i) optional., *la 9. nagai kjoi tsu bimu tomorrow you-ERG this say-FUT You will say it tomorrow. 10. nagai kei tsu bimu tomorrow you(pl)-ERG this say-FUT You will say it tomorrow. 11. nagai thei tsu bimu tomorrow s/he-ERG this say-FUT S/he will say it tomorrow. 12. nagai thei tsu bimu tomorrow s/he(pl)-ERG this say-FUT They will say it tomorrow. Note: in sentences 9-12 (i) optional, (la)impossible. 13. tela ngai theni tsu bii yesterday i-ERG she-DAT this say-PST I said it to her yesterday. ___ (i) , (ni) both necessary. 14. tela nga theni baDei yesterday i she-DAT speak-PST I spoke to her yesterday. ___ (i) not so good,and (ni) is necessary. 15. tela ngai tsu adzu rimeni bii yesterday i-ERG this that girl-DAT say-PST I said it to the girl yesterday. ___ (i), (ni) both necessary. 16. tela nga adzu rimeni baDei yesterday i that girl-DAT speak-PST I spoke to the girl yesterday. ___ (i) not so good, (ni) is necessary. 17. tela nga baDei. yesterday i speak-PST I spoke yesterday. ___ (i) optional. 18. tela nga patsin baDei yesterday i loudly speak-PST I spoke loudly yesterday. ___ (i) optional. 19. tela ngai tan lai. yesterday i-ERG talk do-PST I talked yesterday. ___ (i) necessary. 20. tela ngai adzu rimeni tan lai yesterday i-ERG that girl-DAT talk do-PST I talked to the girl yesterday. ___ (i), (ni) both necessary. 21. tela adzu pasei tan lai yesterday that child-ERG talk do-PST The child talked yesterday. ___(i) necessary , (ni) impossible. 22. tela adzu pasei thela amani tan lai yesterday that child-ERG she-POSS mother-DAT talk do-PST The child talked to her mother yesterday. ___ (i), (ni) both necessary. 23. tela adzu pase(i) baDei yesterday that child-ERG speak-PST The child spoke yesterday. ___ (i) optional. 24. tela adzu pasei thela amani baDei yesterday that child-ERG she-poss mother-DAT speak-PST The child spoke to her mother yesterday. ___ (i) better, (ni) necessary. 25. nagai nga baDemu tomorrow i speak-FUT I will speak tomorrow. ___ (i) optional. 26. nagai ngi(i)/ngibakhale(i) baDemu tomorrow we-ERG speak-FUT We will speak tomorrow. ___ (i) optional. 27. nagai kjo baDemu tomorrow you(sg) speak-FUT You will speak tomorrow. __ (i) optional. 28. ke(i)/kebakhale(i) nagai baDemu you(pl)-ERG tomorrow speak-FUT You will speak tomorrow. __ (i) optional. 29. nagai thei baDemu tomorrow s/he(sg)-ERG speak-FUT S/he will speak tomorrow. __ (i) optional. 30. nagai thei baDemu tomorrow s/he(pl)-ERG speak-FUT They will speak tomorrow. __ (i) optional. 31. nagai nga tan lam/lamu tomorrow i talk do-FUT I will talk tomorrow. __ (i) optional, (ni) impossible. 32. nagai ngi tan lam tomorrow we talk do-FUT We will talk tomorrow. 33. nagai kjo tan lam tomorrow you(sg) talk do-FUT You will talk tomorrow. 34. ke nagai tan lam you(pl) tomorrow talk do-FUT You will talk tomorrow. 35. the nagai tan lam s/he tomorrow talk do-FUT S/he will talk tomorrow. 36. nagai the tan lam tomorrow s/he(pl) talk do-FUT They will talk tomorrow. ___ In the sentences 32-36 (i) optional; and (ni) impossible. 37. tela adzu suga baDei yesterday that parrot speak-PST The parrot spoke yesterday. Note: without (i) better. 38. tela adzu suga adzu pjumeni baDei yesterday that parrot that boy-DAT speak-PST The parrot spoke to the boy yesterday. Note: without (i) better,(ni) is necessary. 39. tela adzu pjumei adzu sugani baDei yesterday that boy-ERG that parrot-DAT speak-PST The boy spoke to the parrot yesterday. Note: with (i) better, (ni) necessary. 40. tela adzu suga baDei yesterday that parrot talk-PST The parrot talked yesterday. Note; without (i) better. 41. tela adzu suga adzu pjumeni baDei yesterday that parrot thst boy-DAT speak-PST The parrot talked to the boy yesterday. __ without (i) better,(ni) necessary. 42. tela adzu pjumei adzu sugani baDei yesterday that boy-ERG that parrot-DAT speak-PST The boy talked to the parrot yestwrday __ (i) optional for human, but (i) is not preffered for animals. 43. adzu pjumei adzu sugani adzu phalphul tsado bii that boy-ERG that parrot-DAT that fruit eat-IMP tell-PST The boy told the parrot to eat the fruit. __ (i),(ni) both necessary. 44. adzu sugai adzu pjumeni adzu phalphul tsado bii that parrot-ERG that boy-DAT that fruit eat-IMP tell-PST The parrot told the boy to eat the fruit. __ (i) necessary with animal in the imperative sentences,and (ni) is necessary. 45. tela adzu mo baDei yesterday that ghost speak-PST The ghost spoke yestertday. * moi __ without (i) better. 46. tela adzu mo adzu pjujmeni baDei yesterday thaty ghost that boy-DAT The ghost spoke to the boy yesturday * moi __ without (i) better,(ni)necessary. 47. adzu pjumei tela moni baDei that boy-ERG yesterday ghost-DAT speak-PST The boy spoke to the ghost yesterday. __ with (i) better, and (ni) necessary. 48 tela adzu mo tan lai yesterday that ghost talk do-PST The ghost talked ysterday. __ without (i)better (ni)not necessary 49. tela adzu mo adzu pjumeni tan lai yerterday that ghost that boy-DAT talk do-PST The ghost talked yesterday __ without (i)better,(ni) necesessary 5o. tela adzu pjumei adzu moni tan lai? yesterday that boy-ERG that ghost-DAT talk do-PST The boy talked to the ghost yesterday. 51. tela adzu pjumei katha bi yesterday that boy-aERG story say-PST The boy told the story yesterday. __ (i) necessary. 52. nagai adzu pjumei katha bimu tomorrow that boy-ERG story say-FUT The boy will tell the story tomorrow. __ (i) necessary,(ni) impossible. 53. adzu maTharai dzadzai bareri baDei that teacher-ERG exam-POSS about-LOC speak-PST The teacher spoke about the exam. __ (i),(i),(ri) necessary. 54. adzu maTharai dzadzai bareri baDemu that teacher-ERG exam-POSS about-LOC speak-FUT The teacher will speak about the exam. __ (i),(i),(ri) necessary. 55. dzadzai bareri sui baDei? exam-POSS about-LOC who-ERG speak-PST Who spoke about the exam? __ (i),(i),(ri) necessary. 56. dzadzai bareri adzu maTharai baDei exam-POSS about-LOC that teacher-ERG speak-PST The teacher spoke about the exam. 57. adzu maTharai tai bareri baDei? that teacher-ERG what-POSS about-LOC speak-PST What did the teacher speak about? 58. adzu maTharai dzadzai bareri baDei that teacher-ERG exam-POSS about-LOCspeak-PST The teacher spoke about the exam. __ In the above sentences 56-58.(i),(i),(ri) necessary.