1. majaki leka sinsum maja-ERG work finish-PST Maya finished the work. a) majakhoki leka sinsum (also possible) b) maja leka sinsum *c) maja lekala sinsum Here, without -ki possible but adding -la is not possible. 2. di pomoki leka sinsum this girl-ERG work finish-PST The girl finished the work. a) pomokhoki leka sinsum (also possible) Here, without -ki also possible but -la never possible. 3. di langbuki leka sinsum this bull-ERG work finish-PST The bull finished the work. a) langbu leka sinsum *b) di langbuki lekala sinsum -ki and-di optional but -la is never possible. 4. pomo tsiki leka sinsum girl one-ERG work finish-PST A girl finished the work. a) pomo tsikhoki leka sinsum Her, tsi-one, -ki is preferred and -kho also allowed. b) tsi pomoki leka sinkeladu -not very nice but ok. 5. langbu tsiki leka sinsum bull one-ERG work finish-PST A bull finished the work. a) langbu tsi leka sinsum -ki is b preferable *b) langbuki tsiki leka sinsum. -ki never possible. 6. majaki leka sinkeladu maja -ERG work finish-NP.PROG -ki is optinal Maya is finishing the work. *a) majaki lekala sinkeladu. -la is never possible 7. di pomoki leka sinkeladu this girl-ERG work finish-NP.PROG The girl is finishing the work. 8. di langbuki leka sinkeladu this bull-ERG work finish-NP.PROG The bull is finishing the work. 9. pomo tsiki leka sinkeladu girl one-ERG work finish-NP.PROG A girl is finishing the work. a) tsi pomoki leka sinkeladu -little bit possible. 10. langbu tsiki thangta leka sinkeladu bull one-ERG now work finish-NP.PROG A bull is finishing the work now. 11. majaki leka sinkere/singyong -without -ki also allowed but not preferrable. maja-ERG work finish-FUT Maya will finished the work. 12. di pomoki leka sinkere -without -ki also allowed but not preferrable this girl-ERG work finish-FUT The girl will finish the work. 13. di langbuki leka sinkere this bull-ERG work finish-FUT The bull will finish the work. 14. pomo tsiki leka sinkere/singyong girl one-ERG work finish-FUT A girl will finish the work. 15. langbu tsiki leka sinkere bull one-ERG work finish-FUT A bull will finish the work. *a) langbu tsiki lekala sinkere -la is impossible. 16. nga thangta leka sinkeladu i now work finish-NP.PROG. I am finishing the work. a) ngaki thangta leka sinkeladu -ki optional. 17. kheki thangta leka sinkeladu -ki optional. khe(sg)-ERG now work finish-NP.PROG. You are finishing the work now. 18. ngaki leka sinsum i-ERG work finish-PST I finished the work. *a) ngakhoki leka sinsum -kho is not accepted here. 19. nga tshongba i jump-PST I jumped. a) ngaki tshongba. -ki also possible. 20 khe tshongsum you(sg) jump-PST You jumped. a) kheki tshongsum -ki also possible. 21. kho tshongsum -ki also possible. s/he jump-PST S/he jumped. 22. nga tshongdejoe i jump-NP.PROG. I am jumping. a) ngaki tshongdejoe -ki possible but not nice 23. khe tshongdedu -ki possible but not nice. you(sg) jump-NP.PROG. You are jumping. 24. khung tshongdedu -ki is not nice s/he jump-NP.PROG. s/he is jumping. a) kho tshongdedu -here,khung is for all or it is general and -kho is focussing gents. 25. nga tshonggehin i jump-FUT I will jump. a) ngaki tshongsum -ki is not nice 26. khe tshonggere/tshongyong you(sg) jump-FUT You will jump. 27. kho tshonggere/tshongyong s/he jump-FUT S/he will jump. a) khoki tshonggere -ki also ok. 28. di pomoki tshongsum this girl-ERG jump-PST The girl jumped. a) di pomo tshongsum -ki is better but without -ki also accepted 29. di rako tshongsum this goat-DEF jump-PST The goat jumped. a) di ra tshongsum -(ra also possible but rako is the best.) 30. di pomo tshongkere - (pomoki also possible) this girl jump-FUT The girl will jump. 31. di rako tshonggere this goat jump-FUT The goat will jump. * a) di rakoki tshonggere -ki is impossible. 32. di pomo tshongdedu this girl jump-NP.PROG. The girl is jumping. a) di pomoki tshonggere -ki is not nice 33. di rako tshongdedu this goat jump-NP.PROG. The goat is jumping. a) di rakoki tshongdedu -ki not good. 34. nga khambala dheke i house-DAT stay-NP I stay in the house. * a) ngaki khambala dheke -ki impossible b) nga khamba dheke -la is omitted when speaker makes shortcut. 35. di raja tshongsum this goat(pl) jump-PST The goats jumped. * a) dirajako tshongsum -ko not possible. b) rajako --is ok 36. di pomoja tshongsum this gorl(pl) jump-PST The girls jumped. a) pomojako also ok but not good. b) pomojaki -ki ok c) pomojakiko -ko no,not possibble d) pomojakoki -ki no,not possible 37. khe khambala dheke --dhe alone means imperative. you(sg) house-DAT stay-NP You stay in the house. a) kheki khambala dheke -- means I stay at your house. here, -ki means possessive b)DAT is same as LOC 38. kho khambala dhekere s/he house-DAT stay-NP S/he stay in the house. a) kho khamba dhekere --with uot -la ok but not better. 39. nga khampala dheba/dhesum -- dheba is better i house-DAT stay-PST I stayed in the house. a) ngaki -ki possible 40. khe khampala dheba/dhesum --dheba is like question speaker is not sure. you(sg) house-DAT stay-PST You stayed in the house. 41. kho khampala dhesum s/he house-DAT stay-PST S/he stayed in the house. a) khoki khampala dhesum -- -ki means possessive 42. nga khampala dhekere/dheyong i house-DAT stay-FUT I will stay in the house. a) ngaki khmbala dhekere -- -ki means possessive. 43. khe khambala dhekere you(sg) house-DAT stay-FUT You will stay in the house. 44. kho khmpala dhekere s/he house-DAT stay-FUT S/he will stay in the house. 45. ngaki pomola tshoe therpa i-ERG girl-DAT book give-PST I gave the book to the girl.. note : -ki optional but -la is necessary. 46. ngaki di khola therpa -ki is optional but prefered. i-ERG this him/her-DAT give-PST I gave it to him/her. 47. kheki tshoe pomola thersum you(sg)-ERG book girl-DAT give-PST You gave the book to the girl. a) kheki pomola tshoe thersum. -also possible 48. khe di khola ther you(sg) this her-DAT give-PST You gave it to her. note: this might be imperative form 49. khoki pomola tshoe thersum he-ERG girl-DAT book give-PST He gave the book to the girl. 50. khoki di khola thersum he-ERG this her-DAT give-PST He gave it to her.