Margaret Smith is a research assistant professor of digital humanities in the IRIS Center and a historian of medieval and early modern Ireland.
Author: heatjoh
Wetzel, BayLee
BayLee Wetzel is a junior majoring in English and minoring in creative writing and Spanish. She hopes to one day be a published fiction writer. Pronouns: She/Her
Ginsberg, Alan. “Howl”
Ginsberg, Alan. “Howl.” Collected Poems, 1947-1980, HarperCollins, 1984.
Poem at Poetry Foundation:

Porter, Roy. Madness: A Brief History.
Porter, Roy. Madness: A Brief History. Oxford UP, 2013.

Dickinson, Emily. “Much Madness”
Dickinson, Emily. “Much Madness is Divinest Sense.” Barbaric Vast and Wild: A Gathering of Outside & Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present, edited by Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman, Black Widow Press, 2015, pp 134-37.
Poem Available at Poetry Foundation:

Aeschylus, “Kassandra’s Cry”
Aeschylus,”Kassandra’s Cry.” Translated by Anne Carson. Barbaric Vast and Wild: A Gathering of Outside & Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present, edited by Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman, Black Widow Press, 2015, pp 21-25.

Poe, Edgar Allen. “The Tell Tale Heart”
Poe, Edgar Allen, “The Tell-Tale Heart.” The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Raven
Edition, Vol. 2, Project Gutenberg, produced by David Widger, 2008.
Copy at the Poe Museum:

“The Tell-Tale Heart” Illustration
Shakespeare, William. King Lear
Wiiliam Shakespeare. King Lear. Edited by Grace Ioppolo. W.W. Norton & Company, 2007.
Folger Version available here:

Johnson, Heather
Heather Johnson is an Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature and proud teacher of some very talented students. Pronouns: She/her
Mosby, Melanie
Melanie is a Communications major at SIUE minoring in Literature. Pronouns: She/her
Hosto, Gavin
Gavin Hosto is an English major with a Creative Writing minor. His dream is to be a screenwriter and/or director and he’s a huge horror fanatic. Pronouns: He/him
Ouimet, Alexandria
Alexandria Ouimet is a graduate student at SIUE studying Literature. She is also a teaching assistant for the first year writing program teaching English 101 and English 102 and plans to one day teach English for a living at either a high school or college level. She can be contacted at Pronouns: she/her.
Wolff, Emily
Emily Wolff is currently finishing her first year of her master’s degree in literature. She is also a graduate teaching assistant at SIUE teaching first year writing. Pronouns: She/her
Davee, Nicole
Nicole is an English major planning to earn a Master’s in Library Sciences. They currently work as a freelance artist and enjoy boothing at local conventions. Pronouns: She/they
Social Media:
Frideres, Koren
Koren Frideres is a senior English major. She hopes to enter the publishing field after graduation. Pronouns: She/her
Cox, Kevin
Kevin Cox is a senior English Major at SIUE and he didn’t even go mad once in the madness class, no madder how hard he tried. Pronouns: He/him
Roller, Hannah
Hannah is an English major at SIUE. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in game narration or editing. Pronouns: She/her
Thomeczek, Nixy
Nixy is a Psychology student at SIUe who’s studies and research focus on adolescent development and childhood disorders. They are a Crisis Intervention Specialist with aspirations to become a counselor specializing in adolescents. They can be contacted at Pronouns: Any
Watson, Kyrie
Kyrie Watson is a senior at SIUE majoring in History and pursuing a minor in both Literature and Sociology. Pronouns: She/her
Donald, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Donald (she/her) is a journalist and author with more than 25 years in the word business. She is currently a graduate teaching assistant at SIUE, pursuing a masters degree in media theory and MFA in creative writing, and teaches journalism at St. Louis University. She is also a freelance editor, photographer and writing coach; and an author of horror and science fiction. Twitter: @edonaldmedia or @edonald