Workplace Partner/Supervisor

Who can be workplace partners? 

  • Any library or cultural institution with an interest and dedication to helping introduce diverse high school students to librarianship are good candidates for a workplace partner. 
  • Any library or cultural institution with committed funds to pay student for an agreed upon length of time  

What are the responsibilities of serving as one? 

  • Provide a safe environment in which students can learn about all aspects of librarianship 
  • Provide students with training and engaging work that allows them to experience the various roles librarians play in the day-to-day operations of a library 
  • Provide students with opportunities to be responsible, engaged, autonomous, and connected 

What work do you have for high school students to do? 

  • Students can perform similar duties as other volunteers if the host library has an existing volunteer program. 
  • Consider including elements of higher level tasks to demonstrate librarianship beyond ‘page’ duties.  


Who can be a mentor? 

  • A workplace supervisor can be a mentor if they feel as if they can successfully manage the dual roles of disciplinarian (when necessary) and mentor 
  • A person within the library who has an interest in mentorship and diversifying librarianship 

What are the responsibilities of a mentor? 

  • Regularly check in with student regarding their life beyond work 
  • Identify challenges the student might be facing outside of school and work 
  • Work with the student to address areas where the student might be struggling to find success 
  • As necessary, check in with workplace supervisor to inquire about any areas the student may benefit from additional guidance 


What are the responsibilities of the CTE teacher? 

  • Identify students with interest in librarianship or learning more about libraries 
  • Ensure workplace partner site meets requirements of the CTE program 
  • Prepare students for interview process 
  • Meet with workplace partner supervisor and student to discuss CTE workplace and classroom expectations 
  • Meet with workplace partner supervisor and student throughout the school year (or agreed upon length of employment) to ensure workplace and CTE program expectations are being met 

How are CTE teachers involved in the Program? 

  • CTE teachers often see a different side of a student and can provide insight into the student’s motivations and experiences 
  • CTE teachers can help the workplace supervisor and/or mentor when difficulties arise, or disciplinary decisions are required 

High School Student

The most important thing to remember: The student participating in the program is NOT a working professional. First and foremost, the student is in the program to LEARN. 

What are the responsibilities of the student? 

  • Follow the policies and procedures of the workplace site 
  • Attend and engage in curriculum, if part of their workplace site’s program 
  • Remain in good standing in their high school’s CTE program 
  • Communicate regularly with their supervisor and mentor