For a really long period of time, it was hard for me to understand the term sustainability. Reading this couple of pages helped me finally understand this word’s real meaning and definition. Sustainability needs ecological, human, and economic cooperation. It mentions Wicked problems and it really caught my attention. There are 6 characteristics that are reasons why these wicked problems might not be able to be fixed.
-Vague problem definition
-Undefined solution
-No endpoint
Some of them involve teamwork, cooperation, and commitment. This is how I now go to the next topic that I consider that it is essential to mention because it’s a principle that we, as a research team, are going to need to consider. The figure 2.3 in page 77 shows the socioecological system and how it works. This is a 2-way system where both are important, and both contribute with energy, material, and information Figure 2.7 on page 80 shows a bike and this was the best example to explain the whole and true meaning of sustainability. The bike, as we can see, has different parts that work together so we can be able to ride it. Each one of them has their own purpose. If any of these parts ever stop working the main purpose of the bicycle will not be achieved. Why? Because it is a joint effort where each one of the parts need to work in perfect conditions. JUST AS LIFE.
This is what I keep with me from this reading assignment. Sustainability, Teamwork, give and receive, responsibility, analysis, vision, ability to resolve problems. We are really going to need them to achieve our goal as CODES.