Cullen Krieg

Dr. Jack


14 February 2024

Archives Reflection

This visit to the Archives I thought was very informal. I was able to look at the documents in the archives and learn a lot. The information that was learned allowed us to dive a little bit deeper than usual. We were able to learn about the Meachums and how they were treated.

The archival papers that my group looked at were documents that showed loans, dates, equity, and Henry Shaw’s house. Also my group was able to come to a conclusion that Henry Shaw took advantage of black families. Most black families were silenced back then which just showed the obvious racism that took place. It posed a great advantage to the white families in the loan system, which allowed them to capitalize much more. 

All in all, my group was allowed to see pieces of the past which brought a little bit more insight on what exactly we are doing at the garden. I was able to learn a lot more than I thought I would have since we have gone there so many times beforehand. I am ready and willing to go again to do the same process to learn a little bit more.